Playing Momma

Over the years I have wondered if Buzz was getting the message of compassion shown in every day actions. She is sweet, but pretty aloof. Last night I got my answer. I have a horrible cold and was in the grips of the worst of it last night around bed time. She curled up in bed with me and started rubbing my hair from my forehead the same way I do hers. She asked, “sick, momma?” When I told her I was, she started chatting non-stop. Not the most wonderful thing when your head is pounding, but I can think of worse.

She began telling me that she would take me to the doctor, then to the toy store to get a special toy. She then told me that she would rub my back, get me a special blanket, make me some soup and read me a story. About this time I began to cry. She was showing compassion, but she was also showing me what I do that makes her feel better. She was mirroring what she had been shown.

When my children are sick sometimes I just go into autopilot. I did not really realize the things that I was doing that were showing compassion. I want to make them feel better, but after a dose of Tylenol and some rest sometimes I feel my job is done. I do all the other things that she mentioned but never put much thought into it. There are so many lessons I try to teach my kids that at their ages I am not sure they “get it”. As I start watching them a little closer with their baby dolls, the advice they give each other (blow on the soup because its really hot) I am realizing more and more how every little action speaks in very loud volumes to them. When I rub a back or get a special blanket, I am showing them compassion and love.

As I fell asleep to the non-stop chatter, I felt better than I had all day.

Categories: Lessons, parenting

6 replies

  1. Awwwww…what a little sweetie! It's obvious that she has a wonderful mama, in the way that she treated you! What a love…

  2. I love those moments! I was sick a few months ago, and when I woke up to her knocking on my bedroom door, I wasn't sure how to explain why I was still in bed. No need! She walked in, took one look at me and said “you're not feeling good are you?”I told her I wasn't and she said “I thought so. You just stay put & I'll take really good care of you.” She left and came back with a Mt Dew for me, and told me that if I need anything just holler. lol

  3. Awwwww… how Cool is that. Our kids really do pay attention to their us… even when we don't think they are. Great job Mama.Anne @

  4. Isn't it grand what we learn from the children in our life.

  5. A lovely post, I shared it on my facebook page. I do some work on the child abuse issue (that's on my other blog if you want to know more) and I thought your post was a beautiful example of how deeply we influence the lives of children, sometimes without even realising it. It's the little things that make a difference. So glad to have found your blog :o)

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